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This is me and the biscuit tin currently


If you, like me, find healthy eating really hard, this is the recipe for you! Healthy, filling and you can be a bit naughty in the sauce! I am taking about Spaghetti made from COURGETTES. It doesn’t taste anything like you would expect and one courgette is only 36 calories.

To make enough for two hearty portions you will need the below:

  • two medium sized courgettes, washed and top and tailed
  • olive oil… I like this one
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • one red onion
  • handful of mushrooms
  • cooked chicken pieces (I used these, but this dish would also work well with prawns)
  • a small can of sweetcorn
  • 200ml crème fraîche
  • sprinkling of black pepper and paprika


To make your ‘spaghetti’ merely slice up your courgette with a julienne peeler. You should be able to pick one up for under a fiver, my lovely housemate found ours in a little independent shop in Brixton so I can’t link you unfortunately!



Once you’ve sliced it up, add some oil to a pan and wait until its hot. Add your ‘spaghetti’ and keep it moving until it softens. It shouldn’t take longer than 5 minutes. Once its done, take it our and leave it on a paper towel while you make your sauce.

Dice your onions and crush you garlic, fry in your pan until its all golden.

Throw in your chicken and sweetcorn and mushrooms and then add your paprika and pepper. Stir together so the flavours all mingle and then leave for about ten minutes so the moisture can come off the mushrooms.


Once it is done, add your Crème Fraîche (I also added a spoonful of cream cheese, but if you are trying to be healthy, I would skip this step!)

Give it another good mix and then serve up! Pile on top of your spaghetti and top with a little extra chilli and pepper


nom nom nom

… be careful with the chilli though, always wash your hands after you use it oooor you MIGHT end up with chilli in your eye and trust me, that burns!
